Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Prophet Mohammad Song اوبريت هذا محمد | جديد 2012

The three biggest names in the Arabic Gulf music have met to perform this song. Fayez AlSaid, Mohamad Abdu, And Hussein Al Jassimi. There are more names on this project, but this Dubai based project has brought in the biggest name in Saudi Music Mr. Abdu. There are other Muslim Nasheed singers whose names are listed below in Arabic.

This is a big project where UAE composer and singer Fayez Al Said wrote the music and actually takes the lead on this song or Hymn. The well known poet Sheik Nasir Al Zahadany crafted those lyrics. I do not know about projects like these. I think the best way these people can do a service to Islam and our beloved prophet is to live their lives according to the teaching of the Koran.

A song is good, but if you party at night and do this song during the day, and then go back to your hard partying--what's the point. I am not suggesting they are like that, but this is the reality for some in the show biz.
حسين الجسمي وفايز السعيد والوسمي وفؤاد عبدالواحد ب"الإضافة" إلى نخبة من النجوم الشباب مثل أحمد برهان وعلي إسماعيل وحسن أحمد والمنشد أسامي الصافي والمنشد محمد عبيد والمنشد ناصر المغني والمنشد علي النقبي.

الأوبريت الجديد من كلمات الشاعر العلامة الشيخ ناصر الزهداني وتلحين فايز السعيد.
اوبريت هذا محمد | جديد 2012

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