Friday, August 22, 2014

Islam Meets Funk--Thank you Mohamed Mohy In "Al Qwafy"

Egyptian lone wolf Mohamed Mohy has not released a new song in about six years. Since the release of his 2008 album and the man has not worked on any new songs. But he is changing that just today....with the release of an interesting song. It's not easy to do something that has never been done before, but here's an attempt at creating something that have never existed. before.

So you've heard of funky songs, and you have heard of Muslim songs, Mohamed Mohy mixed the two together in a fresh Sufi fashion and he came out with something if not incredible, then intriguing. Plus, I have always liked his clean look, the guy likes to wear white and hates egos and self-promotion.

Mohamed Mohy has a n interesting voice, the sad type, he does it like no other. Now he lands in Islam's Sufi tradition and make his ban rock in the desert. The song is hip, the t-shirt is cool too...the lyrics are traditional poem but arranged musically like never before. The track is about counting the virtues of the prophet of Islam (Mohammad) I like the feel, Mohy has a wonderful thing about him. I am inclined to say this song was filmed in Jordan, but it's actually filmed in Egypt near El Ain Al Sokhna resort.

Hijab wearing wearing violinist is a plus. This is song has good direction, a great location and a fresh style. So welcome back Mohamed Mohy, more please. Note, this is not the first song to do Sufi songs, but he is making them cool again and it seems he is very respectful.

القوافي - محمد محي - Al Qwafy - Mohamed Mohy

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