Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Leaked! New Song By Elissa And Marwan Khoury (Audio) "Ta3bani Mennak"

Ta'aban Meenak was suppose to be one more song on Elissa's latest album released last month, but it was not included because the composer Marwan Khoury had a disagreement with Rotana and asked them not to include the song on Elissa's album. The two remain friends. It remains unclear who leaked the song or for what purpose. I imagine, Elissa and Marwan both have copies, the studio has one and perhaps Rotana....who has some to gain and a lot to lose is yet to be determined.

Marwan Khoury is a hit-maker and as they dub him, the complete artist who sing and compose and write lyrics. He needs no fame more than he already has. This is a great song, and had it been on Elissa's album it would have been one of the three good songs on it.

Elissa did a good job being less Elissa and more capable vocalist. This is Elissa like you have never heard her before. She sounds like a vocalist made for Tarab songs, a real talent and not a one trick pony like Elissa is becoming more like. This is a great song to hear live as it requires acting out what one is singing. I hope some other artist picks this song and do it justice.

 Elissa - Ta3bani Mennak اليسا - تعبانة منك

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