Friday, September 12, 2014

Mostapha Aman Comes in Peace! New Breakout Single

Young and good looking music producer Mostapha Aman wanted to get his feet wet so instead of working and producing songs for other talents in Egypt, he started to sing and this is the first official song from this young gun.

The title of his first song means's what you say when you want to ask someone to leave a place. Get the hell out of here in a polite fashion. So the music is really good which is what you expect no less form a guy who knows his beats.

There will be a music video and a full album release in ealry October for the Eid. There are some serious talents that helped with this album (Amir Taema, Ramy Gamal, Ahmed Saad and few more) I am actually looking forward to this new stuff.

Mostapha Aman مصطفي امان من غير مطرود

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