Thursday, September 11, 2014

This Egyptian Children Song Is Porn--Naked Lady And Spongebob

Children songs in Egypt are scary now...another slum singer Mohamed Abd El Menaam chose to teach the little ones a lesson and he booked a semi-nude belly dancer with busty qualifications to be the role model for these children. Kid, What do you want to be when you grownup? I want to be just like her dance for boys.

This is really sad when kids are used as props or human shields---they song tell kids to drink their milk, study and read. The singer tells them to be good and naughty. This is shit due to the presence of Shams, Egypt's top raising belly dancer. In other coutries they bring a doctor, or an astronaut, they can up that.

Keda Aaieb - Mohamed Abd El Menaam كده عيب - محمد عبد المنعم

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