Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A True Guitar Hero Alex Skolnick Curate A Festive "Planetary Coalition"

Alex Skolnick wanted a project to be proud of, a project that would be his legacy on earth and I think he found one. Everybody likes to think they have culture, not only did Alex demonstrated that he is a man of many cultures, but he also bridged the gap between different music cultures. An interesting intuitive by a guy who is best known for his heavy metal and his jazz.

Alex was able to do that through the universal language of music, his album project "Planetary Coalition" was able to increase ecological awareness and explore the threads that connect musical expression. The end product was a pleasant surprise-- an ethnically flavored collective of diverse musicians from all over the world which incorporated the musical styles of Gypsy, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, Indian, Asian, African, Latin and other indigenous lands. regional identity.

Since he is the driving force behind this project, his footprints are all over it, but he got a lot of help from so many musical guests that brought their local music taste into this cooperative. There are two dozens of artists who collaborated here and made this project that wonderful tapestry of art.

You get 14 tracks that will take you on a journey unlike any other. Turkey is on the map, Palestine is too.  The Indian musical heritage is well-represented and so is the African and Latin. But there are other flavors that you will hear for the first time on this album. I feel this attempt made tastefully crafted and varied music that runs heavy on the ensemble, which is made of of some of the world's finest musicians without anyone claiming 'soloist' status

The titles of each of the tracks are captivating..."Island in the sky", "Sleeping Gypsy", "Old World Dance", "Play La Ropa" This what happens when you unleash 27 musicians from five continents. Come for the music, stay for the stories.

To leanr more about the album or to get a copy, please visit Rock Paper Scissors

PLANETARY COALITION - a world music project by Alex Skolnick

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