Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Assala Delightfully Hijacks The International Day Of Peace Festival

Everybody's favorite Syrian vocalist Assala traveled to Europe last month to collect an aware for prompting peace. Assala was joined by her loving family at the event. There was music, a live orchestra and lots of curious Europeans who wanted to see what the big deal was. Luckily for them, Assala has a voice that travels well and we can all enjoy--no need to understand the language.

Among the Arab people, Assala's stands may have been proactive or controversial, but we all agree on the quality of her talent and the size of her stature. This special performance with an all European orchestra took a special turn.

Assala Nasri gave her very best at this venue and she entrained thousands in the concert hall. This was part of the International Day of Peace Festival.....I love how the chorus does not even speak Arabic, but they did a wonderful job keeping up with Assala.

Assala was happy about this event, even though after her return from that trip, the Lebanese airport official confiscated her passport.

Assala - Aktar At International Day Of Peace Festival

.. Assala "MasterPeace" Concert At International Day Of Peace Festival

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