Monday, October 6, 2014

"The King" Mohamed Mounir New October Victories Song For #Egypt

They did not call him the King out of the blue. Egyptian love him because he speaks what's on their mind so beautifully when he sings. The dark son of the Egyptian south released a celebratory song for October victories--when Egyptians feel so proud for having liberating their land.

Mohamad Mounir sings loudly for the motherland and its people....for me this song while this is a great occasion does not transcend to the moment. It just lands quietly and does not move you to go back to those days or even imagine how wonderful they were.

The funny thing about Egyptian nationalism is that it does not require anything form folks. It simply say, we had an amazing history, you are awesome the way you are--do not ever change. Cool, but who will pay the bills?  The song is one of Mounir's weakest songs, it feels like a song he was pressured into recording or at least rushed. It's not just me who is saying that, the same disappointments is shared among his fans on his ultras page here.

I guess the title is cool though, "I am partial"....
محمد منير .. مُتحيز 2014

اغنية محمد منير - متحيز 2014 | كاملة | جديد 2014

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