Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Boycott Those Pro-Assad Arab Celebrities

Boycott Those Pro Assad Voices
Here's the a list of those vocal supporters of Assad who are supposed to be sensitive artists who are loaded with emotions. But ti seems when it comes to Syria those people have no emotions, but the ones that show Assad some love. They do not care for the hundreds of people that have been murdered, imprisoned and tortured.

  1. George Wassouf "جورج وسوف"
  2. Wafik Haeeb " وفيق حبيب"
  3. Hussein Al deek " حسين الديك"
  4. Shady Aswad " شادي أسود"
  5. Ayman Zabeeb " أيمن زبيب"
  6. Melhim Zain " ملحم زين"
  7. Rouida Attiah " رويدة عطية"
  8. Hossam Madanyah " حسام مدنية"
  9. Samer Ghaero "سامر غبرو"
  10. Moeen Sharif " معين شريف"
  11. Mohammad Bash " محمد باش"
  12. Nancy Zaabalway "نانسي زعبلاوي"
  13. Mayada El Henaway "ميادة الحناوي"

Here's a video montage of more Syrian celebrities who are backing Assad.
قائمة الفنانين السوريين السوداء

قائمة العار السورية | سوريون ضد الثورة - باسم ياخور


  1. excuse me but please i would like to know where you are getting all your information. first many many syrians still loves bashar. it dosent matter if he has been in power for too long or tht his was either. he is a good ruler. he is helping his country more then hurting. when the egyptian revolution first happened bashar opened facebook and youtube and increased wages and retirement runds so it would not happen in syria. however numerous articles and fake stories were being broadcasted about syria that where fake and only hurying bashar. now these rumors has destroyed and killed many. many people were found causing problems in syria tht were not all syrians. el Jazzere and america were responsible for many of the fabricated reports tht caused an uprising because they are simple not friends with them. many people in syria still like bashar however those marchs, parades, and protest to keep bashar are never broadcasted on other channels, besides syrian tvfinal i would like to say leave bashar and syria alone.
