Monday, July 4, 2011

How Do You Make Iraqi Music Hip?

The answer is easy, but requires some details on how the Iraqi music has gone mainstream in the past 8 years or so.

First, there is an increased number of Iraqi TV networks that broadcast within Iraq and get carried around the world. Since more Arabs care about what goes down in Iraq, they tune into those channels.

Second, unfortunate, but true, there are so many Iraqis living outside of their home due to the ongoing struggle and due to the bloodshed. Those expats liked their music while they were in Iraq, but now since they are away, they LOVE their art and culture more.

Third, the higher the demand the more people get interested in singing and in producing new material. There are other factors that play into this increased popularity. I remember in 2004 my American friend all of a sudden started playing choppi music in his car. He purchased the cassette in one of his trips to Palestine.

Gazwan Al fahad in his new 2011 single

غزاون الفهد 2011 - تاتي تواتي By. Taranem


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