Sunday, July 3, 2011

Whatever Happend to Mayez El Bayaa?

If you look up a one hit wonder in any Arabic dictionary, you might read the name Mayez El Bayaa "مايز البياع", he is Lebanses and he was cool for about a year, then he just vanished. Did he stop singing or was he not able to stage a comeback? This Tom Cruise look a like broke some hearts

His hit song Kol EL Kalam, was on everyone's playlist in the late 90s. It was a cool song that was performed so well and the music video was hip, all youthful, fun and summer. I know Mayez had other songs under his name, but few of them register the way his hit single did. Looking back he had some songs going back to 1989.

He has at least three albums (click here for some details)

مايز البياع - كل الكلام


  1. He still does perform several songs, he passed through a rough patch after his parents died consecutively but he has been back 3 or 4 years now with beautiful songs :)

  2. He divorced from his wife, his family is very complicated and always fighting. his wife is mentally ill and thats why his daughter left her studies in turkey to come back to lebanon. his sons also dont talk to their mother anymore. - reports via inside family sourse
