Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mohammad Fouad, Doesn't Get It

So he did not support the demonstrations, he did not participate in any activities protesting the Mubarak regime, but that did not stop Mohammad Fouad, also known as the "Heart of Egypt" from throwing his hat into the race and releasing a song that does not really say anything.

Mohammad Fouad, made a phone call to an Egyptian live TV and cried, sounded like a broken heart, he asked the protesters to go home and not to humiliate the Egyptian president Hosny Mubarak. It was rather an emotional phone call, millions were touched by the heartfelt appeal. But his love to the now former dictator was now all forgotten or at least Mohammad Fouad hopes so. The title of the song sounds like a payer, asking God to make things workout, in away Fouad is expressing his worried here more than his joy.

The song is a disappointment, it's a mini song and the music sounds a bit tired, the lyrics seem rushed and the singer seems to be not feeling the words. Days before the song was released he would have been happy to say the same opposite. If this is the heart of Egypt and that's all he has, then we are doomed.

محمد فؤاد -- استرها يارب كمان Mohammad Fouad Jan 25 Ya Rab Kaman

أغنية "استرها يارب"

استرها يارب كمان وعدينا الامتحان
مصر بشبابها جابت مولود كان فينه من زمان
للحق يا رب تفوت وبـ80 مليون صوت
وبنية لله خالصة نخلى الكل يعيش فى أمان

قلبى قلبى قلبى مصرى
واسمى اسمى اسمى مصرى
مصر حاميها ربنا بالمخلصين والأوفياء
بلدى هتفضل فى السماء واخدة الأمان من ربنا

استرها يارب كمان وعدينا الامتحان
مصر بشبابها جابت مولود كان فينه من زمان
ميفرقناش غير موت وبـ80 مليون صوت
وبنية لله خالصة نخلى الكل يعيش فى أمان
قلبى قلبى قلبى مصرى
واسمى اسمى اسمى مصرى

مصر حاميها ربنا بالمخلصين والأوفياء
دم الشهيد ده دمنا ذنبه فى رقبنا كلنا


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