Monday, May 16, 2011

Mona Hala, The Funniest Girl in Arabia

Few months ago she pissed off just about every Egyptian celebrity who either supported Mubarak (or gave approving silence), or attacked the revolutionaries of Egypt. Brown noser Egyptian musician Amr Mostafa was so upset about the episode Mona did on him, so he released his own video attacking this funny girl on personal ground.

Needless to say, this funny girl--she is a riot did not stop and kept her show, if anything she grew bigger and had a lot more fans. She is hilarious, and I have been a fan of hers since Ramadan 2010 when she had a variety show. But now she has her own show where she gets to pick on anyone and anything.

On Screen, Mona Hala is the energizer bunny and her expressions and style make anything funnier. While here in the States, they have largely males doing news satire (Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Seth Meyer), Arabia has Mona, a female and actually funny Tina Fey funny.

Good for her, she is also an actress that had appeared on a number of movies and sitcoms in Egypt. Watch this episode of her puking fun of the Dictator of Tripoli, she lampoons this man of many jokes. Join her on MonaTov YouTube channel.


  1. Mona is one of the funniest girl in arab.
    thanx admin for this post.
