Monday, June 13, 2011

Ask Shakira Not to Go To Israel

Artists should not support regimes that condone violence and injustice against others. By going to Israel, what message is Shakira sending to the world? I thought she is one of the few pop singers and entertainers who actually understand the complexity of the world. She is an intellectual person so her decision to go to Israel and taker part of a PR campaign to improve the image of the state of Israel makes no sense.

The truth about Israel's crimes against the people of Palestine and Lebanon (Shakira's heritage homeland) are clear as the sun...and we know the sun came out in Shakira's last tour, there is no need to send the sun packing with this kind of free for all Israel love fest media bonanza, it's simply uncalled for.

Here's what you can do now...

Join this Facebook page

21 June 2011 Shakira to Israel in violation of call to boycott Israel
This facebook group endorses this:
The OPEN LETTER to Shakira, published by the PABCI, and written by Israeli citizens, Jews and Palestinians. This letter is endorsed by the Facebook Group "Shakira : Say NO to apartheid and YES to Freedom to Palestine." SEE
Colombian singer Shakira is expected to arrive in Israel on Tuesday June 23, 2011 for the "2011 Israeli Presidential Conference." see


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