Saturday, April 2, 2011

Rest in Peace Mohammad Dagher

Egyptian Fashion designer Mohammad Dagher was found dead in his apartment in Cairo. The beloved fashion designer was murdered in his home. The government suspects the person who have murdered Mohammad Dagher is a close friend or someone who is known the the designer. The forensic team has a number of suspects and investigating the crime.

Upon learning of his death a number of celebrities and fashion lovers crowded the home of the fashioner along with his family that was in total shock. the popular designer had too many friends in the entertainment and sports circles and sure he will be missed.

From what I gather the Mohammad Dagher is a household name in Egypt and he is the go to guy if you need a cool design that is also not too bizarre or revealing. He loved to design new dressed and had always kept in mind that he works in a conservative society, so not to show too much skin.

The song of a well known musicians is a victim of senseless violence. The family of the murdered artist blaming the thugs and the former members of the Mubarak regime. this was an epic Egyptian shock. I hope he rests in peace.

تفاصيل هامة في جريمة قتل مصمم الازياء المصري محمد داغر

مقتل محمد داغر وصدمة أصدقائة ومشاهد من أمام منزله


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