Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Yara Is... What Yara Does @ Star Acedemy

Everyone's good girl of Lebanese romance and pop is Yara, no two people can disagree on this singer that surprised us in 2005 when she refused to become famous with her body, instead she just sang and we listen and asked for more. Six years later she is still a big star and her songs are memorized where every she goes.

For the most part she still sticks to the nice girl persona and refuses to get in fights with other stars, she also does not take much time to talk about gossips and rumors about her relation with her long time music partner Tarik. But summer season comes and goes, she must have a song, her last album was more than two years ago, so very few remember it that well.

Yara took her new single Magroom and performed on the Star Academy Stage and with the help of the dancers she crafted another happy song. While the song is cute and sets well with mostly females, I think Yara can do better. I bet there are not much new lyrics been sent her way.

يارا مغروم البرايم 11 ستار اكاديمي 8 Yara Magroom @ Star Academy