Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tomorrow Bokra! The Song and The Message

The world has been buzzing about the Quincy Jones music project for Arabia, the project that was supposed to raise money for hungry children around the world. A number of Arab businesses and foundations have joined forces to make this a reality.

Such projects have a lot of enemies, just look at how many people criticized the "We Are The World" remake to raise money for Haiti. I think the problem is that sometimes the messengers overshadow the message and that intimidates some people. But in Arabia so, far it seems that the project has been embraced by most if not all talking heads. I think the careful planning, the size and quality of talents recruited and the media blitz all seem to have fallen in order.

That has to feel good for the people involved in the project, not just the singers--who I think deserve to be thanked for their time. I mean the people who have thought of applying the concept to the Arab world. As far making the song, the Arab world has the know hows and an incredible amount of musicians, composers and singers who can bring this project to life.

But to put this project together, it must have taken days and months of planning, contacting all the stars, and arrnaging for them to be on one place at one time, is no easy task. I believe the biggest portion of this was filmed in Morocco, Qatar, maybe Dubai too. I know most of the stars were in Morocco for a music festival and they all met to collaborate.

I am aware that there's an Emirate business man who has donated the great bulk of the money for this project at least for the first phase. Then money from foundations started to flow as word got out and as stars started to promote the project. The message is about hope and the possibility of bring change to the life of others, 30 A list Arab singers have singed up, MBC Group seems to be the exclusive network for hope.

P.S. Why did you use Shakira--I think she has gone to great lengths to proof she is a Zionist.

MBC Group - Tomorrow/بكرا


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