Friday, December 2, 2011

Dina Hayek Steps In For Salwa Katrib

Dina Hayek is going back all the way to the 70s by remaking a song with Tony Hanna, who voiced the original song alongside legendary diva Salwa Katrib. But Dina played her card right that she manged to bring Tony Hanna into the music video business of music videos--he has never filmed one.

I love the bit when director Fady Haddad talked about the closet of clothes Tony Hanna has, mostly designed in the United States where Tony lived up in Michigan. I am a late comer to the tony Hanna business, but I really appreciate his energy and his style--he still have that fire.

This is a good treatment for an old song, they did it with respect, often times, they butcher the original song and make into a weird club mix, not this time around, this song stayed loyal to the original song.
بعد أربعين عامًا.. دينا حايك مكان سلوى القطريب


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