Friday, February 11, 2011

This One For Palestine

In the late 90s, there was a huge demonstration all over Palestine to protest an Israeli tunnel under Al Aqsa Mosque, hundreds of thousands took to the streets and protest this fiddling around a Muslim holy site. The PA was just starting and they have not mastered the media game yet. So during that the day Palestine songs were playing all day.

While that seemed like a good idea at the time, as the people were emotionally charged and ready to do whatever it takes to defend their mosque. The Palestine TV wanted to support the angry masses. One of the song they played is this one, and it was so touching that no young man stayed at home, every one went to protest.

Of course Israel never cared what people think, they do not even like democracy outside of Tel Aviv. They opened live fire and killed scores of Palestinians, and with that more people went to help out and support their brothers and sisters. Erez Crossing was one of the hottest spots. I think the tally of that day more than 300 dead Palestinians that included many medics. That was a big moment in the Palestine issue and Arafat had to make tough decisions. In one hand his people have just been butchered one the other hand, Israel at that point was viewed at a nation that oe no wrong.

I remember that way too well and I had friends and people i have known who have lost their lives that day. It was a sad day, as all pockets of Gaza had lost someone. Thousands of course were hurt and hundreds were rounded up. Did anyone care? I do not recall anyone made a big deal out of this, but for many it was the end of the world.

يا حمام القدس نوح سوسن حمامي أمل عرفة جوليا بطرس


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