Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Egyptian Dream, the Mubarak Nightmare

Egyptian singers are a dime a dozen, not Hamza Namira who has always tried to be unique and stand away form what's popular and do his own style of music. It's the dream of the Egyptian dude with a Guitar who found a cause to celebrate. Which is only natural since the artist has to be close to the people and their problems, they often can bring some peace to those who need it the most.

Hamza Namira released this song more than two years ago, and it was well received by the media and the locals. Because his style is mellower than most Egyptian singer, he has his own game. He is the star of the Intellectual populace, his fans have the most education and highest sophistication. If anything he is the anti Tamer Hosny who appeal to the masses by generic pop and showing more skin both his own and models. Hamza does not do any of that, he is signed with a international label that produces music for a cast artists who are more into music and less into the dog and pony show.

Hamza re-released his song in the wake of the Egypt demonstrations and included footage from the rallies and some really touching interviews with protesters. Look no further than the opening interview with the father who has lost three of his kids. The artists has also taken part of the demonstrations and has done so in an honorable way. He had a good quote, "Those who ask the regime to stay, will be the first to ask the regime to have mercy" on that note, here is the music video

Dream With Me (Ehlam Ma'aya) - 25 Jan Revolution


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