Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Egyptian Revolution Gets Its Poet

Hisham Al Gakh the young and gifted young Poet from Egypt was trying hard to win the title of Ameer Al Sho3ra2, "The Princess of Poets" and he came to the spot light before the events of January 25th 2011. Yet everything he has said prior to the demonstrations in Egypt spoke about the frustration and problems Egyptians see in their country.

Before the events in Egypt, his videos had hundreds of thousands of hits and he was the talk of the Arab street. Many Egyptians embraced the young poet as he comes for rather unusual circumstances. He comes from upper Egypt, the Southern parts of Egypt that does not really have the best school systems or anything special other than the tourism industry. So when Hisham Al Gakh shows up, speaks in national TV as if he was talking in his living room back in his little town, people appreciate his keeping it real.

During the final days of Tahrir Square he had a touching poem he wrote to mark the historical moments (read here) No that the revolution has brought down the regime, Hisham is back with another helping of some beautiful poetry that seems to be helping him win the title, but he has already won the people affection and admiration. Not sure if Hisham wants the burden of bring made a symbol for the youth at the Tahrir Square, but I think if it makes his poetry better, I say Why Not?

Here is Hesham Al Gakh last piece of poetry as delivered today....I have included the klyrcis, feel free to use whatever translation medium you prefer.

Hisham Al Gakh Al Wajhan قصيدة الوجهان -هشام الجخ

كلمات قصيده الوجهان

بالهديى نرحم نعمت الرحمن وعد من الوهاب فى القران
وتفيض اعيننا لذكر جلاله ونرى وجود الله بالبرهان
انى رأيت الله رؤية عاقل متأمل فى الخلق والاكوان
حتى تبين للفؤاد جلاله فدمت تفيض لعشقه العينان
ان الحياه كعمله فضية ولكل شىء فى الدنا وجهان
فالعقل مركز كل شىء صائب والحب وجة المشهد الفتان
هذه الحياه بقلبها وبعقلها لا يستوى زوج بدون الثانى
فالله يوصف بالحكيم مهابه ومحبة ندعوه بالحنان

شاهد قصيده الوجهان كلمات الشاعر هشام الجخ من برنامج امير الشعراء وثناء لجنه التحكيم عليه


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