Sunday, October 2, 2011

Meryam Faris Will Take You To Hell

She can get away with this, but her boobs and excessive naked leg power. She has told us before, she doesn't mind you looking at her like a piece of meet, undoing the work of all those hard working feminists who want women to be seen by their work and not their bodies.

She is dancing for the man and showing her body around on live tv so you and your children can get a lessoon in anatomy. Meryam has the right to do this stuff of hers anywhere she chooses to, you also have the right to turn off the TV, but the netowkr also should have the right to pay some kind of fee for their violation by airing this clip of legs and boob.

ميريام فارس وماغي بوغصن - غنيلي - ديو المشاهير


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