Star Academy is singing his night away as he searched for his loved one. the lovable and confident Ahmed Ezzat is out with anew single that reminds his fans he is still doing music. His voice lands right away in my good side, and the music here serves him very well.
It's a romantic song about a love that is going strong, despite the distance--so Ahmed Ezzat is looking to make something fresh--no canned. He sounds as good as he has ever sounded. He is still a winner and singles releases seem to be his calling card. He has already released half a dozen of them in the past three years.
أحمد عزت - فينه يا ليل | Ahmed Ezzat - Faino Ya Lail
أحمد عزت - فيْنُه يَا ليّلْ - Ahmed Ezzat - Faino Ya Laiyl
كلمات: محمود هلال - lyrics: Mahmod Helal
ألحان: كريم بغدادي - composer: Karim Boghdady
توزيع: أسامة سامي - Arranger: Osama Samy
جيتارات: شريف سعيد - Guitars: Sherif Ahmed
كلارنيت: عبد الله فاروق - Clarinet: Abdulah Farouq Nassar
هندسة صوتية و مكساج: ماهر صلاح - Sound Engineer & Mix: Maher Salah
تصوير: كريم سويدان - Photography: Karem Swedan
تصميم الغلاف: علياء حمدي - Designer: Alyaa Hamdi
إدارة مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي: ممدوح - مازن - Social Media Manger: Mamdouh - Mazen
It's a romantic song about a love that is going strong, despite the distance--so Ahmed Ezzat is looking to make something fresh--no canned. He sounds as good as he has ever sounded. He is still a winner and singles releases seem to be his calling card. He has already released half a dozen of them in the past three years.
أحمد عزت - فينه يا ليل | Ahmed Ezzat - Faino Ya Lail
أحمد عزت - فيْنُه يَا ليّلْ - Ahmed Ezzat - Faino Ya Laiyl
كلمات: محمود هلال - lyrics: Mahmod Helal
ألحان: كريم بغدادي - composer: Karim Boghdady
توزيع: أسامة سامي - Arranger: Osama Samy
جيتارات: شريف سعيد - Guitars: Sherif Ahmed
كلارنيت: عبد الله فاروق - Clarinet: Abdulah Farouq Nassar
هندسة صوتية و مكساج: ماهر صلاح - Sound Engineer & Mix: Maher Salah
تصوير: كريم سويدان - Photography: Karem Swedan
تصميم الغلاف: علياء حمدي - Designer: Alyaa Hamdi
إدارة مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي: ممدوح - مازن - Social Media Manger: Mamdouh - Mazen
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