Not every great voice out there, gets to release their own album, but today I was pleased to see one do just that. Wa'ad El Bahriy released her debut album where the title "I Change My Life" here's what I think of this drop dead amazing album.
Since voicing the songs of Ashman on a popular TV show few years ago, Wa'ad has slowly, judiciously tweaked her sound, moving from mild brunch-friendly romance to mild, brunch-friendly pop to the mild, brunch-friendly rock. Wa'ad navigates her way carefully through the disc's decorous tracks, investing her usually unruffled sound with just enough rough-and-tumble.
The first thing that struck me is that it's very different from her earlier work, the celebrated covers of Asmahan's vintage tracks. The album has bluesy and much more upbeat, and (generally) more fast-paced tunes. In fact, after 3 or 4 listenings, I'm enormously satisfied, and increasingly confident in Wa'ad's ability to continue producing stellar albums. Wa'ad appeared on the Star Academy show's second season where she rocked out.
I believe each track from Aghayer Hayati to Montaha El Ehsas ranks among Wa'ad's best vocal performances, and has an incredible quality to it that truly makes it stand out. As for the musical ingredients are as likely to come from the romantic and classics collection of Arabic music. One of the most appealing aspects about this album is its relaxed, intimate feel. This album clearly being aimed at wider audiences than the straight-ahead oldies crowd, with perhaps a good helping of more pop-oriented songs. But the CD is remarkably laid-back and surprisingly eclectic.
Wa'ad's voice breathy but with an intriguing detached, almost aloof quality. Somewhat surprisingly, the album does not often go into cabaret musical territory, but when it does, the results are also both tasteful and intriguing.
Wa'ad is based in the United Arab Emirates where she goes to school, but she is often in Cairo working and recording songs. She is a student of music and have trained in a number of instruments most notably the lute.
01 - Aghayer Hayati
02 - Arrab Meny
03 - Tagrebah
04 - Bala Dallaa
05 - Matelmesnesh
06 - Moaamla Khassah
07 - Mesh Hanssak
08 - Baatezer
09 - Ya Reet
10 - Montaha El Ehsas
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