If you are looking for that standard Egyptian happy dancey beat that has been around for at least forty years then you have found it. It's how the latest single from pop star Rihma Hilmi fashioned her song. A happy song from a girl who does not need any boys in her life.
She is a free spirit, has confident, knows what she needs, so boys keep away from her. Feminist song for sure about the good old boys who want to pitch in...when she turned them down. They say she is arrogant. This is kind of true, but I do not know if Riham is really like this in the real life.
I do not think this is the best vocal showcase for Riham, but it might set well with some teens or young ladies. The way the song goes does not allow the listener to connect with the singer, each line is one word. But just like all those hit pop songs.
anyhow, this is a happy song
اغنية ريهام حلمى - مش محتاجة | جديد 2012
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