Saturday, June 22, 2013

BREAKING: Mohammad Assaf Wins Arab Idol With The Most Votes

The skinny guy from Palestine who dazzled his way to into many hearts is the rightful winner for Arab Idol in the second season.

Each time Assaf performs, a judge tells him he should be the Arab Idol. In his last performance he did a cover of one Saudi song beloved in the Gulf region and he had that region head over heels. He got into the song and made it his. This was great because it opened the floodgates from the affluent voters from the part of the world. In this way he has locked in three important corners of the Arab world: he sang songs from Beirut, did covers from one Egyptian legend and now did the same thing with a Saudi classic.

Unlike many past and current participants on such shows, Assaf is never shy, and never intimidated by the audience. He feeds off the energy and unleashes his own fireworks to dazzle the crowd. He knows how to work the crowd and engage them creating an well-rounded musical experience. One and off stage, he has shown that he is very comfortable and never feels like a stranger or an awkward soul who happened to have a good voice.

He took home the title, a nice car, and a music contract with a premier music production company. But the best thing was the love of the millions around the world who came to listen to him and to understand what it means to be a guy like him who comes from a refugee camp.


Ragheb Alamah's son tweeted that Assaf has the most votes, and he will take the title if there was no conspiracies. The former Palestinian Salam Assaf also tweeted, that Assaf has snagged the title.

Nothing official yet, no announcement has been made. Tune in he is about to perform his last act on the show.
 غرّد  ابن راغب علامة عبر تويتر قائلا "عساف صاحب اكبر تصويت وبفارق كبير الا اذا حصلت مؤامرة من ادارة البرنامج".

فيما أضاف الدكتور سلام فياض بكلمتين عبر الفيسبوك "عساف نجح وانتزع اللقب"


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