There's no better place in Arabia where the East meets the West than the city of Marrakech, a place where dreams are still possible and fantasy is an everyday activity. So that's where all the big stars of the East and the West were last week at the Marrakech Film Festival.
15 countries had films in the festival. This marks the 11th round for this popular film festival. The film is marketed locally as a tool to bring attention to Moroccan cinema. But that's not necessary true....Morocco makes only 25 movies a year. However tens of movies are filmed there every year.
Egyptirn actors and actress showed in one car as an effort to show solidity. Fathy Abdeil Wahab, Khalid Saleh and action star Ahmed Saqqa all were present. A number of Indian actors were present as well. France and London were also in the house.
مشاركة عالميَّة وتنظيم عال في مهرجان مراكش http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
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