The Muslim Brotherhood wants you to know that they like music just like you and that they know the hot singers of the minute. that's why the song for their campaign to win the Egyptian parliament had a song by young comer Mohamed Kilany--the guy with that big jaw smile of his.
The singer confirms he is not a member of the party, but that they have approached him to use this song in their ads. The song was sold by the producer not the singer, but I am sure his song got some air time in his home.
The song is not all that new, it's updated from the original oldie of Sayed Darweesh the video is below. It's a song about being a force for all things positive and doing the right thing. The Brotherhood did not win becasue of the song, but rather becasue they are close to the people.
FJP هنفكر ونعمر.. الحرية والعدالة
Sayed Darwish-Aho da el sar اهو ده لي صار--سيد درويش
Come on we all know that Music is forbidden... get you act together...