Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hamza Namira Dares #Egypt To Dream Together

Right before he was a household name, Hamza was a shy boy who liked to write music as he looked over the sea. His 2009 was picked by so many people, because he dared them to dream. He also wrote most of the music for his album.

Then in 2011 it was an entire ball game he hit the big times, and his album was produced in both Egypt and Turkey. And then he toured Europe performing and reminding people can still make music that's not pop. Hamza performs on all those stage like the super skilled musician he is. He is one of the few indie names who are actually as good of a performer as he is a musician.

Hamza Namira - 7afla - - حمزة نمرة حفلة اغنية احلم معايا