Say what you say about teen idol Justin Bieber, but he has more back bone than Shakira does and he has the bigger brain too.
Shakira, the Lebanese Colombian singer went to Israel despite calls for her to cancel her appearance in that country. She spoke in English, becasue Spanish is not good enough anymore and taunted that country's history of spirituality and civilization. Needless to say Shakira was the guest of Israel President Shimon Peres who got the job becasue the guy before him in that post raped too many women.
If Shakira was Lebanese or had any link to Lebanon, she would know that this guy wearing a suit taking picture with her, is a cold blooded murder who killed hundreds of Lebanese children in the Qana Massacre when he bombed the hell out of the shelter. But that was 1996 when Shakira was keeping it real and making music she felt her heart of heart.
Shakira went there as a UNICEF ambassador, and met with Peres, the same guy who bombed a UN compound and killed hundreds of civilians were killed and injured. Bet Shakira knew that, but went to Israel anyway. Shakira did not forget to visit schools in Israel, but had no backbones to bring up how Israel bans thousands of Palestinians form getting an eduction. Maybe the Colombian starlet needs to get an education herself.
And for Israelis, they must be excited it as they now been officially recognized as a country by the Hips Don't Lie lady. On another note, Shakira seems to have answered her own question in her earlier song "Dónde Están los Ladrones" -Where Are the Thieves?- becasue she seems to have found a place that was founded by those ladrones.
Shakira y Pique con el presidente israelà Shimon Peres
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