Thursday, December 18, 2014

Listen, Hussain Al Jassmi Best Song To Date حسين الجسمي ما نسينا جديد

Love songs are central to pop music. Try putting your heart’s desires on paper — and then singing them out loud. Hussien Jasmi just recorded a song that made me realize that love is better when you’re young. That’s when you can enjoy it freely, without all the adult complications

Whenever you write about someone you’re close to, you can’t help but be nervous about it. Hussein seems to have been experimenting with combining singing styles. You can hear how he matched three singing styles. We couldn't stop listening to that, and we wanted to write one as good that had the same kind of yearning.

Barry hit the melody first and I put together two verses and the chorus, his new single Ma Nissena is a hit because it is about vulnerability, turmoil and how ordinary people risk everything for love. Ma Nissena is the kind of song that always moves me because it’s so close to me. It’s such a heartbreaking song and there still so much love in it. It’s about loving each other but not being able to live together.”

Some may consider his pro Egyptian army song and anti democracy track as his best work yet. I do not see the song having a lasting impact.

حسين الجسمي ما نسينا 2013 جديد

حسين الجسمي ما نسينا 2013 جديد


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