Sorry, this post will be in Arabic. It's a list of names, and names are just sounds written in English letters. So bear with me and read the Arabic, if you can. This is a collection of random celebrities the names of their kids. Sp let's get a sample. It turn out that stars are just like us, they use common name for their offspring.
صابر الرباعي: إسلام وصفاء Saber El Robaei, has Islam (could be a boy or a girl) and Safaa.
شرين عبدالوهاب: مريم وهنا Sherine, Mariam and Hanna very Arab names that stand for something.
كاظم الساهر: وسام وعمر Kazem Al Saher, Wisam and Omar
عاصي الحلاني: الوليد وماريتا ودانا Assia Hallani names one of his kids after a prince who produced his music...Al Waleed.
نانسي عجرم: ميلا وإيلاّ Nancy Ajram named her little girls like a ring tone, cute names though.
فضل شاكر: ألحان ومحمد ورنا Fadel Shaker has a Mohamed in the mix
أحلام: فاهد وفاطمة Ahlam named her kids Fahid and Fatemah.
أبو بكر سالم: أصيل وأحمد وأليف وألحان وأنغام وأديب Musical names for Abu Baker Salem Kids
عبدالمجيد عبدالله: عبدالله ومحمد ومنار Abdel Majeed Abdallah has a Mohamed in the mix
أصالة: خالد وشام Asalah has four kids, two of whom are named Khaled and Sham--after Syria or Damascus
أنغام: عمر Egyptain Angham, Omar--I thought she has anothe kid.
راغب علامة: لؤى وخالد
تيم حسن: فهد وورد Taim Al Hassan, for a Syrian, those are not very common names Fahad and Ward!
نوال الزغبي: تيا وجوي وجورجي Nawal Al Zoghby, has the least sounding Arabic names for her kids.
ديانا حداد: صوفي وميرا Diana Haddad has a Sofy and Mira--light names really.
لجين عمران: سمير وجيلان
عبادي الجوهر: ساره ومي Abadi Al Jawhar, Sarah and Mai, good names for two good ladies.
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