Friday, November 9, 2012

Video: Michel Azzi And His Lebanese Babes

World, get ready you are about to meet a treat all the way from Lebanon. The sharp looking gentleman who likes to party is new comer Michel Azzi, a blast from the land of a awesomeness. Love his happy voice, and his Lebanese songs that radiate fun and good times.

Sure the passion is in his lyrics, but on his TV performance Michel looked ready to give you, the listener a delightful song and he largely did. If Michel to love he is in for the long haul, he sees things through. His new single is about dancing and having a good time while confessing your love.

Azzi has been around for few years now, but I think this new performance brings him to the front of the line, he has found himself a hit. Glad to see he was able to secure backup dancers, to make sure this song makes it on the internet. Otherwise, it might would have been missed. He filmed them in a studio and it went viral..good for Azzi.

Michel Azzi - clip Woslit la Hadda 2012 / ميشال قزي _ فيديو كليب وصلت لحدا


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